A 3D multiplayer dodgeball game created in Unity
This game was a first-person multiplayer dodgeball game where all the players played as blobs. I created a 3D movement controller, an animated blob model in blender, and the dodgeball logic. However, the most important part of this project was the multiplayer element.

This was my second attempt at making a 3D multiplayer game. My first attempt didn't get far enough for me to feel like it was worth listing on this site, but it used an custom php login system I made, and the Photon multiplayer system. This project, however, used a custom multiplayer system I learned to create using a tutorial series by Tom Weiland.

I did change up the multiplayer code a bit from the tutorial series, including running the servers at 60tps. However, I did run into quite a few issues with desync when too many players joined, so I stopped working on the project. Nonetheless, this was a great project for learning how to make a multiplayer system using sockets, UDP & TCP. You can check out the code on github if you want to take a look.
